Eye on Keloland TV story
KELO-TV, author Lou’s Raguse’s former station in Sioux Falls, S.D., interviewed him for their segment “Eye on Keloland.”
KELO-TV, author Lou’s Raguse’s former station in Sioux Falls, S.D., interviewed him for their segment “Eye on Keloland.”
Brendan Down interviewed Lou Raguse for his very interesting podcast called “History Nerds United.” http://historynerdsunited.com/2023/02/lou-raguse-vanished-in-vermillion-book-podcast-interview/
Dan Barreiro, host of KFAN’s popular Bumper to Bumper talk show, interviewed author Lou Raguse over the course of two segments.
Student journalist Bennett Clary from The Volante, the University of South Dakota newspaper, interviewed author Lou Raguse.
KARE 11 Saturday co-host Chris Hrapsky interviews his colleague Lou Raguse about Vanished in Vermillion. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/kare11-saturday/lou-raguse-writes-new-book-vanished-in-vermillion/89-9480b8f3-29a2-4bcf-92d2-6e4e8f842b94
Barnes and Noble picked Vanished in Vermillion as a “top Nook book” and one of their five favorite indie e-books of the week. https://press.barnesandnoble.com/bnpress-blog/five-favorite-indie-ebooks/?fbclid=IwAR3N5KqcL0c3DnAlU7hAJCO6U7s0oChbNkPuRnOojbcmAnfdd1K_F_kqxOI
Jason DeRusha, host of Drivetime with DeRusha on WCCO 830 Radio in Minneapolis interviewed author Lou Raguse about the book. https://www.audacy.com/wccoradio/podcasts/drivetime-with-derusha-152991/lou-raguse-has-a-new-book-1561590347