Barnes & Noble Press Blog
Barnes and Noble picked Vanished in Vermillion as a “top Nook book” and one of their five favorite indie e-books of the week.
Barnes and Noble picked Vanished in Vermillion as a “top Nook book” and one of their five favorite indie e-books of the week.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune Variety section published a Q&A with author Lou Raguse about writing Vanished in Vermillion.
Michael Klinski from the Dakota Scout, who covered the case in the past, interviewed author Lou Raguse.
KELO-TV, author Lou’s Raguse’s former station in Sioux Falls, S.D., interviewed him for their segment “Eye on Keloland.”
The UK’s The Daily Express interviewed author Lou Raguse about Vanished in Vermillion.
The Vermillion Plain Talk is the newspaper of record in the city where the mystery took place. Reporter David Lias reported extensively on the cold case investigation in the mid-2000s and interviewed author Lou Raguse for this article.
At author Lou Raguse’s book presentation and signing in Vermillion on March 11, 2023, KTIV-TV from Sioux City, IA, covered the event and interviewed Lou.